Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How I know I'm a Mom

This morning our local MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) group met and had a cookie exchange. Yep, a cookie exchange! I have always always ALWAYS wanted to participate in one. I know it seems cheesy and weird, but this is a strange desire that I have been longing for. Finally, today was the day!

I made my peppermint bark early yesterday, but then wound up having to buy ribbon early this morning and tying bows in the Walmart parking lot minutes before the group was supposed to meet. Both kids were screaming, and Alex had a chocolate Christmas sprinkled donut for breakfast.

Anyway, we made it on time, and all was well in the world after I dropped off the kids in their respective rooms, sat down to a hot pancake and bacon breakfast, participated in my first cookie exchange, AND got to do a cool craft project. If it wasn’t for my kids, I wouldn’t have gotten to have had such a great morning!

And this is how I know I’m a Mom…a cookie exchange has made my day!

This is a picture of some of the cookies I received…but keep in mind it was a long car ride home, and after a chocolate donut breakfast for Alex, and a five star hot breakfast for me, well, we were both famished. Some of the cookies didn’t make it.

As you can see, the tile we put the vinyl lettering on, matches my kitchen countertops perfectly!

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