Tuesday, December 8, 2009

17 Days 'Till Christmas!

"With love in our hearts for our FAMILY,
Let's gather together and decorate our TREE!"

These activities are a lot more fun now that Alex is really starting to understand what is going on. He loves Christmas trees so it was fun watching him watching Dad string the lights on the tree. Alex was also a great help hanging the bulbs.

FYI – he LOVES the green ones! Every time we hung a bulb and he was ready to hang another I would say, “What color would you like to hang, green or blue?” And every time he would say, “Green!”

This is one family project that will probably repeat itself in the near future…we still have our big tree to decorate. But, in the interest of time today, this was the best we could do. It isn’t finished quite yet, there are still more ornaments to hang, but all in all, I think we did a great job!

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