Wednesday, December 23, 2009

4 and 3 Days 'Till Christmas!

Well, over the last seventeen days these activities have become less and less organized. But, for our first year at it, and considering our kids are only 2 1/2 and 10 months and don't really understand what's going on anyway, I think we've done a great job!

For day four, at the end of the night after the kids were asleep, Chris and I were talking and I mentioned that we didn't do any activity for the day. Chris said that he and Alex had watched The Polar Express together and that should count. I then remembered that I had gotten out a Hymnal I have borrowed from a friend and went through all the Christmas songs andsang them to the they did have a couple of celebrations...just not with both mom and dad at the same time.

Yesterday the three of us baked and baked and baked and baked and didn't quit until we were ALL DONE!

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