Thursday, December 17, 2009

8 Days 'Till Christmas!

Eight days until Christmas?! Did I really just type that? This is crazy. How is it even possible for time to be going by this quickly? At this rate, my kids really ARE going to grow up in the blink of an eye.

Today the kids had a Christmas party playgroup at the POA Activity Center. While there was a little bit of drama at the beginning, we all had a great time smashed into a teeny tiny room. It's a good thing everyone in the room got along!...and of course, now we are bonded by our 'incident' with the Activities Director. It was a great time with fun people and delicious sugar cookies. Grace ate an entire one all by herself! (It took her about an hour and a half to do it, but sure enough, she ate the entire thing!)

Pictures from this event would have been a lot of fun, but unfortunately, I forgot my camera. Sorry!

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