Sunday, December 20, 2009

6 and 5 Days 'Till Christmas!

On Saturday we had no special Christmas celebration. But it seems like this year we are watching a lot of Christmas shows, singing lots of Christmas songs, talking lots about Santa, and cooking tons of fun treats! So, Christmas was not entirely lost on us Saturday...I just wasn't organized enough to get together an activity.

Tonight, though, was a pretty fun one! We celebrated the gift of giving by visiting all of our neighbors and dropping off some Christmas treats. It was a lot of fun, almost everyone was home (3 out of 4), and one set of our neighbors had just moved in a couple of days ago so it was nice to get to know them a little bit.

The weather tonight must be in the 40's, so it wasn't too cold and I think all of us enjoyed spending some time outside walking around and getting some fresh air. We also were able to spend a few minutes enjoying the lights on the outside of our house. It was a lot of fun!

I should have taken a picture of us before we left, but I didn't think of it (Grace sure was cute in her hat and matching mittens!). Oops!

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