Saturday, December 5, 2009

Advent Calendar Part I

I have wanted to start some new family traditions and this year I thought it would be fun to try having an Advent Calendar. I am hoping that because my kids are 2 ½ and 10 months, they won’t notice that I am off to a late start.

I’ve never had an Advent Calendar before, so I have no idea how to do one. We are still trying to find things for all of the days and get everything organized, but today I finally decided that we had better have our ‘kick off’ or else it will be Christmas before we know it! It seems like time is just flying by this year!

Chris and I have decided to do a ‘countdown’ to Christmas. So, tonight we started with “20 more days until Christmas!”

We gathered together on the kitchen floor and presented Alex and Grace with their first gift…matching pajamas! Selfishly, as a mom, I am delighting in the glory that my kids now have matching pajamas! (This, by the way, will hopefully be another tradition of getting new Christmas/winter PJ’s every year…and they will match for as long as I am able to get away with it!)

Alex opened up his package and exclaimed, “Jamas!” He wanted to put them on right away, and we were able to snap a couple of shots of them together…

Cute, right?!

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