Tuesday, December 15, 2009

13 Days 'Till Christmas

In my head:
I have been looking forward to this Saturday for a long time. Wake up, get dressed up in fun Christmas clothes, go eat a delicious breakfast at the Activities Center where we get to meet Santa, have pictures taken, make fun things, do fun things, be with fun people...and did I say see Santa!!! Then, off to the Lake Ozark parade! Come home, look at pictures and choose some to make Christmas cards with.

In reality:
Wake up, Grace has a fever, no delicious breakfast, no Santa, no activities, no parade.

Today was definitely more of an upset for me than it was for the kids. We again didn't have a present, and spent the entire day and most of the night watching Christmas movies on TV. So sad that the kids are sick, but loved all the snuggling on the couch.

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