Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bluestem Knoll Trail

The first weekend in September, we found ourselves with an unplanned Saturday! So we called up the Koeppens and invited them to go with us on a hike, and they said YES!
We started and ended this hike with a picture of a thistle.
This one is the handy dandy work from daddy-o!

Alex with some walking sticks...

Grace with her walking stick...

We were happy to see that our trail was properly marked although at times hidden by the wildlife!

Adorable, right?!

Okay, Benson is so cute that you think you might be able to narrow the great pictures of him down to one, but no, that's just not possible. So, I went ahead and kept loading them up until I was satisfied. Isn't he the cutest?


Beautiful Eliza

Gorgeous Emma

Breathtaking Clara Mae

The hikers in action

Nancy and Benny

This trail was perfect for families. It was only one mile and was lots of fun. As a matter of fact, the kids did almost all of the walking on their own. I think Chris and I each carried Grace for a minute or so, but that was it...she was into it!
The trail was called Bluestem Knoll Trail and it was in the Lake of the Ozarks State Park...the one on Hwy 42. I hope we get to do it again next year!
Nancy was smart enough to pack enough lunch for everyone, so when we were done cleaning the hundreds of seed ticks off of everyone, we headed to the picnic area (which also had a playground) and ate up! Good times at the lake!

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