Saturday, October 23, 2010

Art Festival in Linn Creek

Cuteness Warning: Alex and Grace will be appearing in this entry as a puppy and a kitty, respectively. Beware!


The poor little girl in this Clifford costume was WAY TO LITTLE to see out the eye holes. As a consequence, she could only see the teenagers coming up to her, not the little kids. Alex was pulling on Cliffords legs for a good couple of minutes, and when she finally did she him or any other child, she had no idea how tall they were. I'm telling you, this girl would be cracking up if she saw this picture. I'm sure she thought Alex was on his tippy toes, or maybe an inch off the ground. It was hilarious!
There were lots of fun crafts at the festival. This festival is held in Linn Creek and is completely free!...including lunch! So Alex and Dad made a fun balloon race car together which in the end came darn near pretty close to working! ;)

There was also a Rennaissance corner.
Alex speared the boar.
A little kitty lapping up her milk!
A happy family Rasmussen style!

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