Saturday, December 4, 2010

Brookings Children's Museum Day 2

Dan, Jess, Baby Nadia, and Anne joined us for round two and we took advantage of all of us being in the same place at the same time and took a spontaneous family pic!

Anne, Grace, and Alex all had a blast up, up, up in the air!

Alex did some farming.
Baby Nadia!

The Water Room!

Mommy and Baby drumming away.
This is a see through drum filled with colored confetti that bounces around when the drum was drummed!

Outside of the museum was a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex whose head, eyes, body, arms, and mouth moved. Yikes!
Alex taking in the baby T. Rex with Aunt Jess.
Grace and Auntie Annie checking out the baby T-Rex.
The seem a little more concerned.
Both days were awesome.
This is one place I don't think we could ever get tired of going!

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