Thursday, May 13, 2010

Photo Shoot #543

Why, you may ask? I honestly don't know. But, it was another rainy day, and every time I take pictures I seem to learn a lesson. Todays lesson: Why photographers have assistants.
Set child in desired position.
Run and grab camera.
Put down camera and run to child.

Today Grace had most of the candid shots,

while Alex's desire for M&M's helped a little.

I snapped this when Alex thought I had turned the camera off.
This picture is very important.
I want Alex to see this when he is grown up and has kids because this picture says:
"Mom: I'm smarter than you. I understand exactly what you've been asking me to do, but I also know that 3 lousy M&M's is NOT enough to make me listen. Sorry chica!"
Well guess what, buddy! You may be smarter than me, but I totally busted you with this picture, so there! Mwah ha ha ha ha!
Sweet Grace

This is the kind of smile I was looking for, but when did it appear? Again, when he thought the camera was off, and when he thought he was in trouble. I'm giving him the, "You better not slam that computer door on my leg again..." look, which, in turn, evokes the following response:


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