Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to me! We had a wonderful day today! First, Alex gave me a wonderful wonderful present, then I got a Zoom lense for the camera, then I was whisked away and taken out to a delicious breakfast, and by the time we had finished, it had warmed up enough to go out to the castle! (Or, as Alex calls it, the 'Spooky Castle'.)
We tried for a Round #3 of Grace's homemade one year pictures, and did a little bit better than the first two rounds:
"Wait, I look cute in this position, right?"

Then we tried taking the first round of three year pictures with Alex. You will notice that Alex's pictures are all candids while Grace's were more posed. Hmmm. Well, it turns out that taking three year pictures may be a little bit more difficult than taking one year pictures!

Chris did get some pretty awesome pictures of me with the kids...THANKS, Daddy-o!

This is the only picture of both kids. It was the best we could do.

Thank You Family for such a wonderful day! I love you, I love you, I love you!

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