Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Morning Surprise!

This is what Dad found this morning after returning home from his workout. A Turtle walking across our driveway! How could we pass up on this free Life Science lesson? We brought the turtle inside and put it in the tub until the kids woke up. When Alex woke up I told him there was a surprise waiting for him in the tub...he was a little apprehensive and wouldn't go in without me, but once he saw it, he was so excited and was screaming over and over, 'A Turtle! A Turtle! A Turtle in the tub, mom!' It was so cute.

Grace loved it too. After looking at it for awhile, we let him go outside and Grace sure was sad to see him go. I think they bonded on a very deep level those few moments that they knew each other. Maybe we have a future veterinarian on our hands?

Now this is the kind of picture I was looking for yesterday. Would it be wrong to hang a three year picture of my child in our house with bed head and in pj's? The smile is so stinkin' cute...I can see how happy he is in his eyes alone. Love it. Just love it.

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