Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cute v. Scary

Well, today is a day of blogging apparently. Chris and I have ordered new phones and the FedEx guy who missed us yesterday left a kind note saying not to worry, he will be here tomorrow (now today) anytime before 4:30 p.m. Awesome.

Anyway, we played outside for awhile and once the phones were delivered, I promised an all afternoon trip to the park, after naps of course. Naps were taken by all, lunch was eaten, and everyone was loaded up in the car before I even noticed a huge looming thunderstorm.

We drove to the park anyway and watched the storm roll in. It was actually a lot of fun. Alex got to see lightening, and listen to thunder. Then, once it hit us, we headed home for cover.

So now it's movie day!...and I've decided to blog again, because...well, if I have to unload this dishwasher (that has now stopped draining on it's own) one more time...

Moving on:

This is my entry properly entitled Cute v. Scary



(standing up in block box)


(even scarier when I lost her in here because Alex closed the door...and this little stinkier didn't make a peep!)




(I don't know if you can see it or not, but there is a clear 'victorious' smile of sweet success)
Grace has formally given up trying to walk. Why bother? She has moved on to bigger, better, and higher things.

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