Monday, August 31, 2009

Bows, bows, and more bows...

When I was growing up, I never really thought I would have children. Although, in the third grade, I was convinced that I was going to adopt Japanese children. Looking back on it now, I think I just didn't dare let myself think I could ever be responsible for that kind of a miracle. On the few occasions when I did let the thought enter my mind, the thoughts were usually of things I would NOT do to my child. For example, I was convinced that I would never make my child wear bows in her hair. Let's just cut to the chase. I have a six month old baby daughter. I make her wear bows.

Exhibit 1:

Yep, that’s right. This picture was taken when she was less than a day old. Not even 24 hours had her innocent head been in this strange new world before a bow was applied. In my defense, I was not the one who initially put the bow on her head. Although, I did love it immediately, and from that point on insisted that the bow stay on!

A wonderfully talented friend of mine who happens to have three daughters of her own who always don beautiful bows gave me the first tingling feeling that I might indeed be one of those moms. And I should give credit where credit is due: Every single bow you see in this blog was hand made by her. She’s amazing. There is nothing in this world like a good friend, but that's for another blog.

Exhibit 2:
The bows quickly got bigger and bigger…

Exhibit 3:

She wears them for all special occasions and events, as seen in this picture taken on July 4th! And, I'm not just limited to bows. Flowers work for me as well!

Exhibit 4:
And then, there is my favorite flowery bow which is worn on almost a daily basis at one point or another!
Exhibit 5:

And just when I thought bows couldn’t get any bigger!

Exhibit 6:
I love them. I love staring at my child wearing bows on her head. She’s so cute, and I love that none of the bands squeeze her head (she's still working on getting some hair!). And now that I have children of my own, and one of them is a girl, I am proud to be one of ‘those’ moms!

And just in case you're concerned that I may be limited to bows only, not to worry! I have found another amazing way to ‘cuten up’ my adorable already child. As the weather has cooled, it is necessary, to be a good mom of course, to make sure my baby’s head stays warm!

Exhibit 7:

So, to all those moms out there that don’t want to be bow moms, I recommend you give it a shot! Be a bow mom! Do it! But be forwarned, once you start…

Bow away!

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