Friday, November 2, 2012

Christmas Cards

This year Nancy and I were on a mission to have our Christmas Card picture ready to go EARLY in the season. This way, we could pick and choose the best Christmas Card deals.
One day in early October, we dressed everyone up, filled their tummies, and plopped them in the car.
 I had found this gorgeous overlook a couple of weeks earlier on the way to a friends house.
 And, as you can see, the pictures turned out great!
 Or so we thought....
 As it turned out,
 the camera was on the wrong setting :(
 Nancy went ahead and developed a few just in case....
 But no.
 They look horrible.
 So alas, this is as far as these pictures will ever make it...
 and we will see when the actual Christmas Card pictures happen...
 It might be awhile...
 Huge. Bummer.

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