Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This Spiderman...

and this sometimes Pink Fairy/sometimes Elephant...
never cease to amaze me! Today was Wednesday, November 2nd.

Wednesday is recycling day.

Before we went recycling, though, I gave the kids their huge bags of Halloween candy.

I took out an empty bag and asked if we should give the Recycling workers some of our candy.

Without hesitation, Alex dug through his bag, picked out a few suckers and some white cookies and cream Hershey's bars..and then HANDED ME HIS ENTIRE BAG!!!

Then, Grace did the same!

These kids I've got, well to say I'm thankful for them doesn't

even begin to touch the way I really feel.

I wish I had taken my camera with us recycling so I could have captured those workers' was so much fun!!!

Everyone left the recycling center with full buckets!

Oh, and of course, Trick or Treating on Halloween was a blast too!

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