Monday, November 14, 2011

Alex's preschool class got to show their stuff at church this Sunday.

How was I doing?

Well, let's think. The last time they showed their stuff Alex threw a tantrum and I walked out with Alex under one of my arms screaming and shouting...I ditched my heels halfway up the main aisle. It was a moment to remember, let me tell you.

After that scene, I mean, after the service, Alex's preschool teacher came up and introduced herself to me.

I thought we were doomed from the beginning. Wait, did I just say that?

After that service, I knew that this was NOT how my child was, or who he was meant to be.

Did I know at that point I would see sweet vindication in the following months???

Look at this gentleman walking in proudly during the procession.

They quietly lined up on stage.

All were cute, perfect, quiet...

And then a sound.

Not a loud sound, a sweet sound. I winced.

"Hi Mom!"

It was Alex.

The congregation smiled, chuckled, and giggled.

But wait...there was more...
"Hi Dad!"

Again, louder laughter from the audience.

And finally, after looking towards the front of the church,

"Hi Pastor Morris!"

The crowd roared!

Who was stealing the show? That's right. My kid!

I know, I know, I should have been shushing him. He should have been quiet like the other kids...but considering how our last experience went, this one was nothing but sweet sweet sweetness. I reveled in it. Man, I LOVE that kid!

It was like the preschool Heisman.

Ok, I know I'm taking this pretty far...but again, shoeless Joe here once drug the kid up the main aisle kicking and screaming saying in my head, "I promised I would never be this mom, I promised I would never be this mom, I promised I would never be this mom."

And then the performance began.

The kids sang and sang and sang.

"God made the moon and the stars"

"This little Gospel light of mine,

I'm gonna' let it shine!

Let it shine, all the time, Let it shine!"

Keep shining, big guy!!!

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