Wednesday, March 23, 2011

On the mend.

Our poor little Grace had an infected lymphnode. Two weeks ago. I don't know how or what happened.
After three different antibiotics, her lymphnode was still huge and warm to the touch.
So, we took her to Children's Hospital.
They admitted her, did an ultrasound, started IV antibiotics, drained the lymphnode the next morning, and voila!
Well, almost!
They gave her Versed, and after surgery she had the 'Versed Blues'. I think it should be called the 'Versed Reds' because there was much more anger in her than the average persons bluesy down day.
Not the most pleasant thing. Screaming, climbing, jumping, clawing, puking.
But, luckily, mostly there was peaceful (or heavily medicated) sleeping.

And then just like that, she was better!
The nurses, doctors, and hospital staff all loved her...and she loved them!
She is a super rockstar 2 year old and I am so proud of her!
This puppy's name is Nel. Unfortunately, because we didn't know what kind of bacteria Grace had, she was on a 'no contact' thingy, so we couldn't leave the room, people had to gown and glove to come in, and so, no cute puppies. :(
Luckily for us, we ran into Nel after we were discharged and got to spend some time with her.
I don't know who's cuter in this picture!
A big super duper thanks to Nancy who watched Alex ALL week, and I mean from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday. She is an awesome amazing rockstar friend!
Also, thanks Grandma Pam for taking off work, hanging with us, bringing meals, letting certain people shower and use the potty, bring treats, and being a shoulder to lean on (or lay on for Grace)!

1 comment:

  1. How scary that would be! What an amazing little girl. I think little kids are so tough! They handle things better than us sometimes.
    I'm so glad everything went smoothly with recovery and she's better!
