Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Toothbrushes

Last night after the kids were asleep, I was doing my usual walkthrough of the house. I look for possible and potential disasters about to happen/already happened, and decide whether or not they are emergent enough to address at that moment, or can wait until the morning. (As you may have guessed, it is usually the latter.)

And THIS is what I walked into in the bathroom:

We just bought these new toothbrushes for the kids and they think they are awesome. They love that they can put them down on the counter and they stay standing up waiting for the next toothbrushing time.
I just could not get over that one of them actually thought to put them IN the sink. HA HA! Chris and I have NO IDEA which one did it. When I can't find Grace, I usually find her on/in the sink, and brushing her teeth is one of her favorite things to do. Alex, on the other hand, loves the sink too and spends a lot of time filling it up with water, soap, and other things...
Who do you think done it???

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