Friday, November 5, 2010

The Wise Owl

The Wise Owl
The wise old owl
Sat in an oak.
The more he saw,
The less he spoke,
The less he spoke,
The more he heard,
Why can't we be like,
That wise old bird?

At the Ha Ha Haunt, Alex and Marcia worked together and made an awesome owl out of a pine cone (pictured above). He left with a bag of goodies which included some things he added to his 'I Spy' bottle, the poem above, and some fun owl facts like...
1. Owls are birds of prey (or raptors).
2. Most owls are nocturnal.
3. Owls' eyes are fixed in their sockets.
4. Owls have three sets of eyelids.
5. Many species of owls have special flight feathers adapted for silent flight.
6. Owls can open and close its ears.
7. A group of owls is called a parliament.
While Grandma Pam was in town, we had a little lesson about owls while sitting out on the back deck enjoying the 85 degree weather.

I added these pictures of Alex only because HE IS SO CUTE!

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