Friday, December 2, 2011

Advent Calendar 2011 - Day 1

Our Advent Calendar kickoff began with our traditional New Jammies!!!

I LOVE how much these kids love new jammies!

Alex was especially impressed with the front pocket on his shirt.

And the buttons, I could go on and on about the buttons...they love the buttons!

This year Chris and I have decided to have an activity each night, and read a Christmas book each night. At first (after wrapping 24 Christmas books) I was hesitant that this isn't really teaching the 'spirit of Christmas'. But, after trying to convince the kids NOT to unwrap any of the twenty-three remaining books (and Grace failing...twice), I now see that this is an excellent lesson for them in self control!

Tonight we read the book, 'Elf on a Shelf'!

I wonder where he will be tomorrow morning???

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