Monday, November 16, 2009

The Love Of A Child

One day last week I was having what one might call a ‘down day’. If I had an employer (other than my kids), I probably would have chosen to take a ‘mental day’. It was still pretty early in the morning and I was thinking about how I was going to get through the day. I was feeling very drained and like I didn’t have very much to give.

As I walked into our front room holding my beautiful baby girl, Alex looked up at me and said, ‘Baby here Mom.’ and pointed to his lap. Amazed, I gave Grace to him and he started tickling her and making her laugh. He hadn’t asked to hold Grace in a very very long time. It was like he read my mind, understood, and got right to work making sure Grace was as happy as possible.

Well, what more does one need to feel rejuvenated? My heart warmed and spirit lifted, I watched the two of them play and giggle. It was awakening for me to just sit there and observe one being my husband and I created, share and teach love to another being my husband and I had created. Miracle, I ask? Ha! I think so! What an awesome day.

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